Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Friend Tay Tay Has Jelly Tip Hair

Musical Goodies

Twice, Little Dragon

It Has been A while lets make it happen this time

Allenby Terrace steps...
For one of our projects we where given a space and I got the bloody Allenby Terrace steps. There are 180 of them they are dark and grungy and no fun they make you huff and puff and sulk... This video was made very last minute but I like it. I was adding to the atmosphere hence the heavy breathing at the start and end which portrays the dark and exhausting space but some magic falls on the steps and they are somewhat transformed for a short time into a place that is a touch special.

Music: Man With The Movie Camera, Cinematic Orchestra

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Pink Sky at Night ...

On a lovely afternoon drive with Lani we where blessed with beauti skies.

Thursday, June 24, 2010